Y.E.S     Youth Entrepreneurial System
Website designed by Innovative Concepts in collaboration with Y.E.S.

WHAT IS" Y.E.S. " ?

Y.E.S. is an acronym for the Youth Entepreneurial System, Y.E.S. hopes to become a community nonprofit organization that seeks to empower disadvantaged youth by allowing them to develop their own small business, avoid drugs and crime, sharpen academic skill, and form positive attitudes about themselves and their communities. Y.E.S. had more then the vision to tell youth to strive for a better life, we try to show and help the youth in our community get started. WHO DOES " Y.E.S. " PLAN TO SERVE? Y.E.S. plans to serve youth ages 11 through 18 years old. Y.E.S. hopes to sponsor it's programs in collaboration with youth organizations, schools, churches, etc. HOW DOES Y.E.S. PLAN TO TRAIN YOUTH? Y.E.S. will provide, hands-on entrepreneurial training to youth in three distinct phases. Phase One: Professional and personal level and their training culminates in the development of a business plan.-This phase is supplemented with computer training , workshops, and guest spealcers. Phase Two: The students get a chance to test ideas and develop solutions to " real world"problems through case studies. The case studies will include debates and presentations. The focus will be the achievements of the youth. Phase Three: During this time Y.E.S. will assist the students in actually developing their own business plan. The training sessions are now business meetings and business start up strategy where the students are the decision makers.
© 2021
Previous Sponsors & Associations
County of Dutchess
Marist College
City of Pok. Schools
Neighborhood Based Alliance
City of Pok.